Saturday, April 26, 2008

Healthy Natural Weight Loss

My wife had bypass surgery awhile back and the doctor told her to lose some weight. Her doctor also put her on an exercise program at a local hospital that is monitored by a nursing staff. This went on for about three months. After the exercise plan was over at the hospital we decided to continue at home with an exercise plan and diet. Let me tell you what happened to us by using a healthy natural weight loss plan that we decided on.

We started this plan by looking at the labels on food containers and seeing how much fat, carbohydrates, sugar, sodium and calories were in the serving size. Serving size is the first thing you should look for. This gives you a clue as to how much you can consume. We weren't too concerned about too much of this because we were going to cut down on portions anyway. We found that we could eat enough food to be full and still eat a healthy, low fat, low carb diet by choosing our food wisely. You can do it, you just have to get into the habit of reading those food labels.

In order to get more exercise at home and indoors, we purchased a treadmill. You can do the same thing by going outdoors and walking in the park or neighborhood or by belonging to a gym. We found out though that by using the treadmill we didn't have to worry about the weather or having to stop and talk to the neighbors. It worked out real well for us by exercising in this manner. Walking is one of the best exercises that you can do, especially after you have been doing it awhile it gets easier and you can walk farther.

It is amazing how simple it is to lose weight. What you have to do is set your mind to do it and continue on your plan until you get to your ideal weight. What it takes is determination and someone to do it with whether it is a relative, friend or someone at a gym. Don't say you can't lose weight by watching what you eat and dieting, because you can. I did it and my wife did it. We are still watching our diet and exercising two to three times a week. It gets to be a lifestyle after you have done it for awhile. Go ahead and design your healthy natural weight loss plan by choosing food that you like, reading the labels and getting some exercise two or three days a week, you can do it also. Lose those extra pounds, you will feel better and have a lot more energy.

Losing weight can be fun and it definitely will improve the way you feel and the amount of energy that you have. There are some weight loss supplements that will help you also such as hoodia and green tea. These supplements help by suppressing the appetite. Remember YOU can lose weight.

There are some more articles and tips written by the author and others at these websites. Check them out, you will be glad that you did.

Yoga Cl


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