Friday, August 22, 2008

Starting Yoga Classes

...The Beginning

Today the popularity of the Indian Religious practice of yoga has become a well-known thing. It started in Asia and has now become something that has reached the United Stated and Europe. The British Wheel of Yoga is an example of a solid foundation that has become the governing force for yoga and has been around for at least forty years. As of right now, this organization has over eleven other venues that are in addition to the yoga instruction.

On of the driving forces to the British Wheel of Yoga is the instruction of yoga. It provides a broad field that will allow the user of any place to learn the poses and the religion behind it. This organization has been routine in their ability to teach learning in the old religion regimen that goes along with the qualities of a professional. They also teach children and are adamant in making sure that they are not abused.

Course Of Study

The cla...more

Partner Yoga Explained

...s of the asana, increasing blood flow and energy into the targeted body area.

Partner yoga has some other advantages over traditional individual yoga in that it promotes fun, laughter and creativity as well as relaxation, concentration and balance. It can be very rewarding to share your yoga experience with another person, particularly if that person is your partner in life as well as yoga.

Depending on the asanas used, partner yoga can be very intimate and loving and is ideal for couple trying to reconnect and regain closeness in their relationship. A partner yoga workshop makes a great romantic gift for a birthday or anniversary, or can just be a fun alternative to the usual night in front of the television.


Yoga in Practice: In Search of the Perfect Yoga - Part 2

...g on the couch? If you are a Yoga teacher, do not encourage this kind of thinking. Yoga teachers are very often familiar with many styles of Yoga, so we should know better.

If you are a student, please open your mind by trying other styles of Yoga. You will find more treasure each time you visit a different Yoga class. Always come back to your root practice, and teacher, but leave your mind open.

Are seniors really getting anything out of Chair Yoga?

The very first person who said this to me is now a Chair Yoga teacher. You can imagine the convincing I had to do, including her participation in Chair Yoga classes. The energy, and enthusiasm, wit...more

The Purpose of Yoga - Overcoming Hurdles to Blissful Aging

...ning an angry mob.

Blissful living requires complete awareness of all that is good in life. All of lifes treasures are at our feet - if we take the time to look closely. We cannot live forever, but we can take the time to enjoy our family, friends, health, and the common sense, we have gathered, up to this point. This is why Yoga practice is such a healthy choice to make; for anyone of any age.

Copyright 2007 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications


Baby And Mom Yoga Dvd


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