Do You Have An Eating Disorder?
It is normal to want to look good. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be comforted when youre anxious or depressed. But if youre nervous when its meal time because youre afraid youll gain weight, or youre terrified of getting fat; and you throw up food after eating; if these attitudes describes you, youre not alone. The fact is, millions of youth-most of them girls have an Eating Disorder.
Each of these Eating Disorders, anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge eating has distinct symptoms but all of them involve an abnormal attitude toward food.
This Eating Disorder describes a girl no matter how slim she may be, sees an obese person whenever she looks in the mirror. To lose weight, she will resort to extreme measures. Weight loss is a common symptom, hair loss; dry skin, fatigue and loss of bone density are other symptoms. Menstrual periods can become irregular or even cease for several consecutive months. These symptoms may sound harmless but make no mistakes anorexia eating disorder is life threatening. One study shows that up to 10 percent of sufferers of this Eating Disorder die. Usually as a result of organ failure or other problems related to improper nutrition.
The sufferer of bulimia eating disorder does not avoid food rather binges, consuming as many as 15,000 calories in just two hours, then purges what has been eaten, usually by inducing vomit or by taking laxatives or diuretics. Bingeing is usually carried out in secret. After the binge, however, guilt sets in.
Despite any seeming benefit, purging is dangerous. Laxative misuse weakens the intestinal lining and can lead to inflammation or infection. Frequent vomiting can result in dehydration, tooth decay, damage to the esophagus, and even heart failure. BINGE EATING DISORDER:
Like the bulimic, a sufferer of the eating disorder will consume large amount of food .The difference is that there is no purging. As a result, the binge Eating Disorder sufferer may be overweight. Some will however, starve themselves after a binge or engage in rigorous exercise. Sometimes when weight is maintained in this way, family and friends remain oblivious to the bingers plight.
Even without purging, bingeing Eating Disorder is dangerous. It can lead to diabetics, high blood pressure, heart disease and a number of other maladies. It can also take a heavy emotional toll.
Note that most people who want to lose weight or get into shape do not have an eating Disorder. Still after considering the above, you might wonder if you are heading in that direction; ask yourself;
Am I ashamed or embarrassed about my habits or rituals related to food?
Do I hide my eating habits from others?
Has food become the biggest part of my life?
Do I weigh myself more than once a day?
Am I willing to take risk to lose weight?
Have I experimented with self induced vomiting, laxatives or diuretics
Have my eating habits affected my social life for example, do I prefer to be alone rather than with others so I can binge or purge in secret?
If your answers to these questions indicate that you have an eating disorder, ask yourself:
Am I really happy living this way?
What can I do about the situation?
Healthy Living explores the basic facts, prevention tips, curative measures of various health related topics. Blood pressure, Skin care, Obesity and Overweight, Food poisoning and lots more.
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Outdoor Ceiling Fans - A Perfec Addition For Your Porch
Ceiling fans are no longer just for indoors, you can purchase an outdoor ceiling fan that is made especially for the purpose of using outside. An outdoor ceiling fan can easily be installed anywhere there is a ceiling. You can find out all the information you will need when you search online or browse at your local home improvement store for an outdoor ceiling fan.
An outdoor ceiling fan is the perfect addition to use on your covered porch or an outdoor patio. Imagine sitting outside on a day when not a leaf is stirring and your outdoor ceiling fan is hard at work to work whatever breeze it can find. You will be thankful on those hot and humid days that you had the foresight to install an outdoor ceiling fan.
If you do a lot of entertaining, your outdoor living space will be greatly enhanced by an outdoor ceiling fan. With all the styles and designs for you to choose from, you can transform your porch or patios look and feel with an outdoor ceiling fan. Your home may be the popular place to be on those close summer days for the simple fact that you have an excellent breeze where no one else has one.
Your outdoor ceiling fan may bring to mind lazy summer days spent sipping lemonade on the porch while the world swelters around you. You will never be sorry you installed an outdoor ceiling fan in your outdoor living spaces. It will provide you with a refreshing breeze just when you thought there was no air left to be had. You can spend memorable evenings sitting out on the porch enjoying your outdoor ceiling fan with your friends, family and neighbors.
An outdoor fan is made to withstand any type of weather. They are specially designed for use in damp or wet areas. When you purchase an outdoor ceiling fan, you will find yourself spending more time outside when the weather is uncomfortably warm because your outdoor ceiling fan will provide you with the cooling breezes you have been waiting for.
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Hoodia Gordonii - Appetite Suppressant For Effective Weight Loss
For people attuned to all updates on dieting and anything related to the dieting industry, most have already heard of the amazing plant, Hoodia Gordonii. Nowadays, Hoodia is marketed as an astonishing new appetite suppressant that helps you lose weight without feeling hunger.
Many ads and merchandise promos have hyped the product as one that contains a "miracle molecule p57, which tricks the mind into thinking you've already eaten, and gives you the feel of being full. In addition to losing weight, the ads say that you will look best while taking this weight loss ingredient, since Hoodia has what they tell, "a feel-good, aphrodisiac effect. " To get a closer feel, we shall examine just how precisely this marvelous appetite suppressant works.
What is Hoodia Gordonii?
Hoodia is a juicy, cactus-like plant. Its been described as a having a slightly a bitter-taste, looking like a cucumber, and thrives in exceedingly warm, arid conditions and takes 5 to 7 years before reaching maturity. The Hoodia plant grows in the Kalahari Desert area of South Africa, as easily as the countries of Botswana, Namibia and Angola.
According to local folklore, generations of bushmen, and tribesmen indigenous to the regions, have removed the skin and spines of the plant prior to eating it as a manner to suppress hunger and hunger during hunt trips. It breeds in thickets of greenish upright stems and is basically a succulent, though Hoodia Gordonii is not a cactus.
There are around 20 kinds of Hoodia, but the Hoodia Gordonii kind is considered to have the normal appetite suppressant element in it. Although Hoodia was discovered not a long time ago, the Bushmen of the Southern African area have been consuming it for centuries, with great effects.
Hoodia Gordonii researches and licenses
In 1995, researchers and scientists isolated one molecule in the plant that they tell has responsible for the appetite reducing phenomena. The molecule was called p57. The p57 compound alienation procedure was patented and the rights were sold to a British company called Phytopharm, and in 1998 Phytopharm signed a licensing settlement with the U. S. pharmaceutical monster Pfizer.
These two companies established the goal to insulate p57 in order to commercialize and trade it for commercial weight loss purposes in the form of weight loss pills and capsules. After so many years of investigation, and no marketable p57 weight loss product, Pfizer elected to finish its Hoodia convention with Phytopharm.
In 1998, Phytopharm sub-licensed the rights to produce p57 to Pfizer for $21 million. Pfizer returned the rights to hoodia to Phytopharm, who is now working with Unilever. The Hoodia gordonii weight loss pills are sold in stores in capsule, powder, liquid, or tea type in health stores and on the Internet. There are many weight loss supplements claiming to contain Hoodia Gordonii, and the most popular among them is Hoodia Gordonii Plus.
How to buy authentic Hoodia Gordonii?
The principal element that makes Hoodia Gordonii unusual is its power to allow our mind to send a signal that you have eaten, even if you have not take any food. It works within the satiety centre in your brain and controls your appetite and meals cravings.
In order to guarantee that you are purchasing genuine, natural and utterly safe Hoodia Gordonii appetite suppressants, Certificate of Analysis and a C. I. T. E. S certification should be provided and shown by the manufacturer or authorized trader first, before you order the product. Hoodia Gordonii Plus is the credible product that has all the required certificates and provides you with authentic Hoodia Gordonii ingredient to make your weight loss efforts a lot more effective.
Anthony Voronoff is an expert maknig reviews and comparisons of proven natural weight loss pills from reputable brands. If you want to discover top natural weight loss pills proven for efficacy and positively rated by customers, visit Weight loss pills now.
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