Certifications For Yoga
...You can be one of those special people that make a career out of yoga. If you are interested in teaching yoga on a full time basis, you will need to get yourself a certification in the practice of yoga. You will need to provide yourself with a college enrollment in one of the better colleges that will teach not only the yoga poses but also the religion behind the exercises and the Indian culture. You may want to check out the Yogafit. This center for learning is a worldwide institution. It is recognized by the american Council on exercise and also the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America.
YogaFit is known as the Yoga for the Fitness Industry. A woman named Beth Shaw in the year of 1994 created it. Beth was a professional with accreditations and was a teacher in some of the California clubs for health. It is more common in the gyms in Los Angeles. She came to find that being certified in yoga needed to have a large emphasis on the backg...more
Is a Distance learning Yoga Instructor Certification right for You?
...u wanted - would you be employed, would you finish college, or would you have a family waiting for you, when you came home again? We all know someone who lives life to the beat of their own drum. This is fine, but we should not expect our employer, family, relationships, and obligations, to stay on hold.
Now, if we are financially independent, and we have no obligations or relationships to hold us ...more
Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 1
...on Deficit Disorder (ADD), and people move on to other things - like butterflies on flowers. So, you have to capture their attention and keep it. Below are some examples of workshops and classes to try in your yoga studio.
Mommy and Me Yoga Classes: This requires special patience on the part of the Yoga teacher, and female teachers will usually fare much better, especially, if the Yoga teacher has children of her own. This is an age specific niche, but there are always new mothers and new toddlers willing to try such a class.
Copyright 2005 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications<...more
Using Yoga To Improve Your Health And Save Your Time
... when thoughts cease to exist.
Yoga asana or postures depict natural actions like boating or rowing to the posture a peacock assumes, a lion assumes etc. these postures, along with breathing in and out are known to create certain vibrations in your body, that bring out the overall vitality of the spirit.
The famous Surya Namaskar or salutations to the Sun-the giver of light, energy, warmth, wisdom and the sustainer of Life on earth, is supposed to be refreshing, rejuvenating, bringing instant nimbleness to tense muscles, thus enabling us to kick start the day! From the head to the toe, including the spinal cord, the arms and legs, are flexed. Surya Na...more