Introduction To The Wide World Of Wireless
Connecting to the internet wirelessly allows much greater mobility and efficiency. If you have purchased a new laptop or PDA, it likely has built in Wi-Fi capabilities. Even if your device is a bit older, it is not unlikely that you can still make use of the convenience that Wi-Fi offers. For those who are just now tip toeing into the world of wireless computing, a brief review of some of the basics should help to answer any lingering questions and knowing a few good resources can fill in the gaps.
What Do I Need To Consider Before Using a Public Access Wireless Connection?
Public access sites make connecting easy and offer users the ability to use time productively when they aren't sitting at a desk, tethered to a cable. On the other hand, a wireless connection is a bit slower. When connecting at a public access site, you are sharing bandwidth with others around you, thus there may be delays when downloading, e-mailing, and so forth. The other consideration is security. When connecting via radio waves versus a cable, it is much easier for others to get access to information on your computer without appropriate security measures.
What Do I Need to Connect?
In order to wirelessly connect to the internet a user must first have a Wi-Fi enabled mobile device which supports standard 8.2.11 b or g Wi-Fi. Many new devices have this built-in. For devices that don't have this capability, a Wi-Fi enabled PCMIA card or an enabled Wi-Fi adapter is needed. Of course, if you are traveling with a laptop it is also wise to take along a surge protector, a spare battery, and a power adapter.
Secondly, a user must have access to a Wi-Fi "hot spot", a location which will connect them to the internet. Some homes are now Wi-Fi enabled while many airports, hotels, and public institutions such as libraries are also Wi-Fi enabled. Indeed, some cities are working toward having Wi-Fi cover their entire geographic area. Many local businesses also offer access to Wi-Fi; businesses such as Starbucks and MacDonalds commonly have access. Some hotspots are "free", although most business understandably expect only paying customers to make use of their Wi-Fi service while other hotspots require payment.
How Do I Locate Hot Spots?
There are a number of ways to locate hot spots. Many businesses post signs on their windows indicating they are a Wi-Fi hot spot, but for those in less familiar surroundings searching for a connection doesn't have to be haphazard or time consuming. There are a large number of resources that can be accessed.
Using a web enabled cell phone, users can check sites such as to search for hotspots in a given location. Another option which requires a bit of pre-planning is to check one of the many sites available on the internet which allow users to search for hotspots anywhere in the world. Sites such as,,, and are just a few that can help users find the connection they need prior to leaving home. Another option is to download a database onto your mobile device which can be accessed later without an internet connection. One such service is
Is There Anything I Need to Know Before Connecting Wirelessly?
Yes, security needs to be attended to as hot spots are unencrypted. Data being transmitted wirelessly is therefore susceptible to being intercepted by others. Users must assure they take precautions to assure the security of their own data; file and printer sharing should be disabled, files should be made private and password protected, and firewall and other security programs should be installed. Many such programs are on the market but offers one such program and the Microsoft site offers more detailed security precautions and instructions to help first timers. (
Once you arrive at the hot spot you will also need to enter the SSID, or name of the access point, in order to log on. The SSID can be found on the internet when searching for a hot spot and is also available at the hot spot location. For anyone logging on the first time, step-by-step guidance is available via online tutorials. Again, offers such a guide complete with screen shots to help the beginner.
The leap to wireless computing can offer great rewards such as increased mobility and efficiency. Using just a few online resources can make the process of connecting via Wi-Fi almost effortless.
Christine Peppler, the author invites readers to visit, her home electronics website to learn more or shop for any home electronics product.
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Business Entrepreneur Exercises - Works Out And Doubles Bottom Line
Manhattan Business Owner Knows to Work Out and reaps the benefits in increased bottom line. Young Manhattan professionals - Don't forget your body as you go for your Business and Career goals.
A Healthy Idea. WARNING the feeling from exercising and exercising itself is addictive, but I think you can handle it. Remember your body is craving for you to do these quick weight lifts. Your body has everything in place, ready to go.
(Manhattan Business owners, NYC entrepreneurs, NYC Business Lifestyle, NYC Exercising)
Dont Ever be discouraged (A wasted and damaging emotion), do what you can. If some emergency happens in your life and you miss a few days or any amount of time JUST jump back in. Exercising your body compared to not Exercising your body is always the positive choice. There are also floor exercises you can do to work on each of these muscle groups.
A guide I put together years ago.
For a close to complete body workout, knock off these weight exercises daily or every other day. A pair of dumbbells is all that is needed for most exercises. If you dont have dumbbells use pressure against a wall or doorway, etc. Of course use no equipment and knock off lots of push ups and sit ups. I think a short workout with weights is a good start before knocking off quality push ups, plus you can be in any shape to do the following weight routine. OF COURSE, IF YOU havent been exercising start any weight lifting at the number of repetitions thats good for you. Unless you are young and can push yourself without getting hurt, do the number of repetitions that is good for you, even if that is ONE lift of each type exercise. You will be in shape in no time, but you have to start sometime.
Its amazing how fast the body can get into good shape if you stick with it. Im talking a few weeks. You may not be at the exact body shape or strength goals you set, but I Guarantee you will feel completely different. If you dont it means you havent advanced to the weight level or number of repetitions that your body is craving.
If you can combine this with Yoga (good flexibility will make you feel great and is a treat for your body) and aerobic activity, i.e. biking, swimming, fast walking, aerobics class, running, baseball, softball, tennis, volleyball, rowing, hiking, etc. or most any fun aerobic game or exercise then you are off to a Great Health Start.
(Manhattan Business owners, NYC entrepreneurs, NYC Business Lifestyle, NYC Exercising)
I GAURANTEE you will feel great, but I think you already know this. MAKE THE TIME, even if it is isometrics at your office desk or walking around the block. You do this enough and I guarantee you will crave to go further.
Throw in some good eating (maybe juicing greens and an apple) and everything in your life will be THE BEST including keeping everything in perspective, this includes handling challenges that come your way.
IMPORTANT: For maximum benefit and less likely hood of injury Stretch before and after each exercise, especially the area used in the exercise.
Shoulders/ Upper Arms Alternate Dumbbell Press
Trap. Deltoid Up Right Rows
Deltoid Lateral Arm Raise
Forward Dumbbell Raise
Biceps/ Forearms Alternate Dumbbell Curls
Hammer Curl
Concentration Curl
Biceps Barbell curl
Pectorals Dumbbell Fly
Tricep Extension II
Abdominals/ obliques Side Bend
Many more good basic weight lifting but this covers a good amount.
There are also floor exercise you can do to work on each of these muscle groups.
If you have time see how many pushups or sit ups you can knock off in 2 minutes. (2 minutes of pushups and 2 minutes of sit ups).
A note: if your body is shaped for most strength on top, great concerning push ups. If your body is not shaped that way dont be discouraged with the push ups. Move on to the sit ups, you may be pleasantly surprised.
If you have gotten even a little out of shape and are trying to slim down be aware of the following. When you start to loose weight you may notice parts of your body (i.e.your abdomen or other parts) seem even more pronounced. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. When you start to tone your body (after even a small amount of weight gain) your abdomen, for example may seem more pronounced but it will be temporary and is only because your muscles may be getting more toned and slimmer and any extra weight (even the slightest) may be pronounced until your whole system is slimmed down. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED and also note you may be getting healthier and in shape but your scale may show otherwise becuse of more dense muscle. This is were many people trying to loose weight get discouraged. Do Not BE, get past that initial body re-alignment and the rewards will be priceless. Remember Health is Wealth.
Personally I never use a scale. I go by how my clothes fit, concerning any weight change.
I have been in the peak of shape and I have not used a scale, unless I am at the Dr.s, since I turned 18.
Author is Colleen Barry Owner of since 1999 and since 2005.
Manhattan Home Improvement Referral Corp.
Manhattan Home Theater Corp.
(Manhattan Business owners, NYC entrepreneurs, NYC Business Lifestyle, NYC Exercising)
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