Getting Wired For VoIP
You finally made the switch to broadband phone service. The friendly neighborhood UPS guy just came by with the DTA adapter you'll need to start using your new VoIP service. Soon the wheels in your head begin to turn as you realize your VoIP router is only connected to one telephone. You want VoIP phone service in your whole house, don't you?
Getting wired for VoIP in your whole house is fairly simple. You don't need a degree in rocket science, though it does take a bit more of a hands on approach than just letting the telephone company switch you over, but is also more rewarding. Along with a much cheaper phone bill, your friends will think you are some kind of computer genius.
Installing your VoIP system is really pretty easy, and for the most part all VoIP adapters install the same way. If you have a wireless network router, just think of your Internet connection as running from your modem, through your VoIP adapter first, then through your wireless router, and finally out to your computer. Consult your install guide.
If you do not have a wireless router, then your Internet connection comes from your cable, or DSL modem, through your VoIP adapter, and out to your computer. In either case, plug in your telephone line and finally power everything up. Be patient as this can take a few minutes to propagate the first time you connect. See your owners manual.
The easy way to get your whole home wired for VoIP is to buy a wireless whole house VoIP phone system with the VoIP router already built into the telephone. Broadband telephone companies like Packet8 offer these phones at a discount when you sign up for service and continue to sell additional compatible wireless handsets as needed.
Another approach is to run the phone cord from your VoIP adapter that would normally plug into your telephone, out to your network interface box outside, commonly referred to as the phone box. Unplug the phone companies line and plug in your own. This will connect all the phone jacks in your home to the VoIP Service.
When you wire your home for VoIP with the network interface box, make sure to put up a sign to insure the telephone company does not plug their line back in. If they do, it could damage your VoIP adapter. If you have a newer home, you may already be equipped with a system to connect your broadband phone service to the whole house.
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What is Chair Yoga?
Chair Yoga is a gentle form of Yoga. With so many types of Yoga available, here is one that most of us can practice. Inversions and complicated maneuvers are not necessary in a Chair Yoga class.
All it takes is the motivation to get started. Most Chair Yoga classes dont use a Yoga mat, but the main prop used is a chair. This helps with balancing poses, and most common Yoga postures can be modified for the chair.
We have one particular Chair Yoga class, in Pawtucket, RI, that uses both chairs and Yoga mats. Within this type of Yoga class, you can cover standing, seated, supine, and prone postures. Most of our classes use the chair only, due to the difficulty of getting up, or down, on the floor.
Chair Yoga sessions are most commonly seen in senior centers, assisted living complexes, nursing homes, adult day care centers, and physical rehabilitation units. Clients can learn any number of Yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and stage-by-stage relaxation, with the aid of a chair.
Standing postures, such as Triangle and Warrior variations, can be practiced seated, or standing, with the aid of a chair. You can practice Sun Salutations or Vinyasa, (flowing postures), from seated or standing positions.
Contrary to popular opinion, Chair Yoga is not for seniors only. Most of us take our good health for granted. The physically handicapped have no age boundaries, and they are very enthusiastic students.
Due to trauma, or a debilitating disease, at any time, any one of us could become physically handicapped. Most of us drive cars every day, and there is always a risk of an auto accident.
Some younger family members of seniors, and the physically handicapped, get involved in classes and private sessions. When family members participate in a class, or private session, it is always a good quality time for everyone.
Chair Yoga teachers must continually educate themselves, be knowledgeable of body mechanics, use of props, and a variety of ailments. This field requires teachers with compassion and the patience to help those who are doing their personal best.
It is also a field with growth opportunities; as the population is aging, there are not enough Chair Yoga teachers to go around. Some estimates indicate there are 1.5 million, or more, Yoga practitioners, over the age of 55, within the United States. Therefore, the demand far outweighs the supply of Yoga teachers for this particular field.
Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in north Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.
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